
SNT Pre-Project


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Desember 2018
Persiapan Proposal
April 2019
Pembentukan SNT, Perjanjian SNT KOMINFO

PSN together with PT Pintar Nusantara Sejahtera, PT Dian Semesta Sentosa and PT Nusantara Satelit Sejahtera founded a joint venture company in satellite-based telecommunication business, called PT Satelit Nusantara Tiga (SNT). The new entity will be dedicated for managing PPP Project of Multifunctional Satellite (SMF) SATRIA

May 2019
(Menang Tender) Signing of Multifunctional Satellite SATRIA Partnership Agreement

The PSN Consortium signed a Public Private Partnership (PPP) agreement with the government of Indonesia, represented by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, on procurement of a Multifunctional Satellite (SMF) called SATRIA, a 150 Gbps capacity satellite with Very High Throughput Satellite (VHTS) technology. SATRIA will be launched in 2023, as an effort to improve connectivity infrastructure across the Indonesian archipelago.

July 2019
Signing Ceremony HNS di Hotel Grand Hyatt Jakarta

Following successful collaboration on Nusantara Satu satellite and Community Wi-Fi Hotspots project, Hughes Network Systems (HNS) will become PSN business partner in providing ground network platform for SATRIA. Hughes’s JUPITER System will support in yielding the highest possible capacity and efficiency for SATRIA satellite broadband implementation.

July 2019
Signing Ceremony KRATOS di Hotel Grand Hyatt Jakarta

In supporting future operations of SATRIA, SNT appointed Kratos Communications SAS (Kratos) to deliver a unified ground station monitoring solution. Kratos will help SNT in assuring the highest level of quality of service for customers and in tracking Service Level Agreements (SLAs) compliance, by providing a unified management platform that will display trends, analytics and key performance indicators across the ground station to optimize operations and help reduce costs.

July 2019
Signing Ceremony Thales Alenia Space di Hotel Grand Hyatt Jakarta

Thales Alenia Space was awarded as the prime contractor in designing and manufacturing SATRIA. Having expertise in VHTS technology and previous experiences with Palapa-D and Telkom-3S satellites, Thales Alenia Space will provide SATRIA to be one of the largest capacity satellites in the Asian region.

August 2019

The China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) and the North west China Research Institute of Electronic Equipment (NWIEE) were selected as Gateway vendors for the SMF SATRIA satellites. CGWIC and NWIEE has previously worked with PSN in Nusantara Dua satellite project.

September 2019
TTD SpaceX

Following the successful launch of PSN’s Nusantara Satu satellite, SpaceX was again chosen as launcher vendor for SMF SATRIA. The signing event took place in Paris, France. The US company has low launch failure rate track record with efficient cost.

Februari 2021
Penyelesaian Dokumen Pembiayaan SATRIA di Istana Negara Republik Indonesia

Seremoni penyelesaian dokumen pembiayaan satelit multifungsi SATRIA yang diadakan di Istana Negara Republik Indonesia pada Jumat 26 Februari 2021 bersama dengan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika dan Bapak Presiden Joko Widodo.